Centro Arte para la Paz -Suchitoto –


Ofrecemos diferentes talleres gratuitos para jóvenes y adultos.

We have five areas of attention on which the classes are developed: music, plastic arts, vocational, emotional attention and dance.

The classes are taught by professional staff as teachers on different days and times; and they are totally free for girls, boys, young women and men, as well as for adults and seniors, for a period of 11 months each year. Some workshops are also taught by local, national and foreign volunteers; and, sometimes the workshops take place outside the center, in educational centers in the city and in rural areas.

With learning-by-doing, through the languages of the visual arts, we connect with the creative side of the brain.

This practice allows us to have a more open to change mind. Being able to turn a problem into an opportunity, while developing a more critical sense of what we see. These are not just visual arts classes, it is a coexistence of young minds that, in the DOING, become BEING.

To empower that wonderful ability that every human being has: THE POSSIBILITY TO CREATE.

Our classes:

Plastic Arts

"They thought I was a surrealist, but I was not. I never painted my dreams. I painted my own reality. Frida Kahlo (Mexican painter representative of Latin American surrealism)

The strength of the forms enables us a way of telling. This makes the plastic arts classes become a space where creativity materializes without limits; the possibilities of expression become endless among colors, techniques, materials and a luminous class where learning by tracing the imagination.

Martial Arts 

"The most important thing is that karate, as a form of sport used in physical education, can be simple enough to be practiced without difficulty by everyone, young and old, boys and girls, men and women." Gichin Funakoshi (Master known as the creator of modern karate)

As a physical training, martial arts not only provide us with tools for reasoning, reflection and good judgment, but also allow us to maintain agility and health, since both hemispheres of the brain are trained, developing in a balanced way the faculties of both parts.


"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, it is also learning other ways of thinking about those things." Flora Lewis (American journalist, international correspondent and writer)

As social beings, we have the ability to seek ways to communicate. Learning another language opens up spaces of thought and other ways of seeing and doing in the world. We are aware of the importance of this learning as a tool for many areas of life. Here, we enable the experimentation of these other languages.


"I was taught that the road to progress is neither fast nor easy." Marie Curie (Polish scientist pioneer in the field of radioactivity)

Computation is all around us; life is becoming increasingly computerized and is inevitably permeating our daily lives, our social relationships. We think of computing as essential learning for the world we live in; to facilitate jobs, to access to new knowledge; but also, to learn how to do it in a conscious and responsible way.

Body expression and puppets

"I am a dancer, I write with my body and paint with my movements." Anonymous

Body expression is an activity whose object is motor behavior with an expressive, communicative and aesthetic purpose in which the body expresses and channels emotions and sensations. Puppets are also a didactic object through which we can tell stories and express ourselves; in addition, students will be able to create their own personalized puppets, where they will foster creativity and manual skills.


"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.". Victor Hugo (important French-language writer, playwright and poet)

Music, that universal language that allows us to cross borders and transform feelings, thoughts and ideas into an aesthetic experience for the listener. We offer classes where Guitar, Marimba, Piano, Strings, Percussion, Saxophone, Clarinet, Harp and Recorder can be learnt.

Crative Dance

"Dancing is just discovery." Martha Graham (renowned dancer and choreographer)

Our dance workshops for children are ideal for the little ones to start working on their motor coordination. It helps them in their development and work on creativity, self-esteem, confidence and above all body expression.

Look at the experience of our students: