Centro Arte para la Paz -Suchitoto –

La Memoria Vive Museum

Visita nuestra octava exposición "La Tierra en nuestras manos, nuestras manos en la tierra"

In the beginning, we thought about creating a museum as a space for healing and learning about the local historical memory. It is for this reason that on September 26, 2010, the Community Museum "La Memoria Vive" was born: a space for the articulation of the collective memory of the municipality. His interest is the rescue of the historical memory of the Suchitoto communities that suffered repression, refuge, exile and repopulation during the armed conflict.


Since its foundation and starting, eight exhibitions have been developed on various themes, which are: 'Memory lives', 'History behind the balconies', 'Three generations, Two Stories', 'Family Album', 'Suchitoto together we can', 'History of the women of Suchitoto', 'Cihuatán, Ciudad Vieja and Suchitoto' and the current one 'The Earth in our hands, our hands in the Earth'.


Tuesday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 12:00 and from 01:00 pm to 04:00 pm To arrange group visits, please contact us.

Eighth exhibition:

Hands in the Earth, the Earth in our hands

In this exhibition, we offer the opportunity to talk about the Earth as a planet, and the soil as a fundamental ingredient for food to grow.

In this way, we will understand the development of crops in Central America, learning curiosities and seeing how we are connected to the land through what we eat.

Earth is the only planet with life that we know of in the Universe. All the complexity that it contains is the result of a chain of transformations in which fire, water, wind, and earth were combined and created the place we now inhabit. 


Hand in hand with the elements, we give a few brushstrokes about evolution and the current accelerated deterioration that it has suffered due to the bad practices of humans

The Earth was formed 20 million years ago. It took an incalculable amount of time to forge itself, find its balance, and harbor life. And now, in less than a century, humanity may be responsible for the next great extinction. And the responsibility is shared. In El Salvador, deforestation is such that 12,000 million m2 of rainwater are lost. An average of 4,500 hectares of forests and natural areas are cleared each year. And all this only because of commercial interests. 

Previous exhibitions: